WARNING: The Market is Changing Fast... Protect Yourself With this Timely Information
Recession... Or No Recession...
That is the Question
Are You Worried About ANOTHER
They say we’re due for another one. That it could happen any day now. And there’s really nothing we can do to stop it. In fact, it might be as big as the last one — or even bigger!
Economists believe all signs are pointing to a major economic downturn in the next year and a half, and some believe it could be worse than the one we experienced a decade ago.

With today’s events, Americans are dealing with record inflation as prices are rising sharply for essentials such as groceries and gas. 

On top of that, we're seeing...
  • Stock returns are topsy turvy
  • Interest rates rising
  • Banks are collapsing
  • Inflation still hovering at record levels
  • Unrest in Europe and China
  • Supply chain woes
  • Looming monetary policy tightening 
  • Massive layoffs
  • Growing recession fears
In response, the feds have been raising interest rates to the highest levels since the 1980s! 

Investors are closely watching as a frantic stock market and consumer confidence has dropped to an 11-year low. 

What all this means is... a recession is stomping toward us at breakneck speed. 

The Good News!?

Dating back to 1945, there have been 11 recessions. Many shared drops in stock prices and consumer confidence—but ALL were good times to buy real estate.

This kind of economic downturn can provide lucrative opportunities IF you know what I know...
But Who Am I?
From The Desk Of Lee Arnold
Coeur d A'lene, ID
I have been investing and teaching people how to invest in real estate since 1995. Through my proprietary systems, I survived the Dot Com bubble burst of 2000, the 9-11 attacks, the recessionary downturn of 2008, the pandemic, and now I'm going strong in today's inflationary market.

How? Because I invest in the the same ol' boring but tried-and-true properties -- buying properties that are sitting under the FHA cap and selling them to first time home buyers. 

It's "the safe place to be," as Warren Buffet would put it.

Now you can do what I do and find out how to take full advantage of this upcoming market using our time-tested Recession Survival Kit!
Over the past decades, the most successful real estate investors built and scaled their property portfolio during the darkest stages of economic downfalls. 

I was one of them. 

Many of us who invested wisely, not only emerged unscathed, but we were also in a stronger financial position than ever before! 

If you want to learn how I did it, I created this brand new comprehensive Recession Survival package to help you hedge against the upcoming recessionary market by building a robust property portfolio using OPM (other people's money). I even made that easier for you by being YOUR source for other people's money!
Recession Survival kit?

Get the Tools You Need to Thrive in the Recession

With our new Recession Survival Kit you can take advantage of a down market to find and close profitable real estate deals!

Tool #1: Rule of 56

AKA: 25+25+2+4 = $100,000!
VALUE: $3,998
The Rule of 56 Tool Kit is an action-packed, step-by-step tutorial on how to get the most out of your marketing and offer-writing activities. Each step is accompanied with actual tools that you can use in real investing scenarios, including:
  • High-converting letters
  • Investor-approved scripts
  • ​High-level, networking questions
  • ​The three-tiered option offer broken down
  • ​Rule of 56 Peak Performance Poster
  • ​Online Contract Writer
  • ​Virtual Rule of 56 Tracking Tool
  • ​Marketing Companion book
  • ​This is all you need to start RIGHT NOW! 
Over the years of real estate investing, I have found that nothing works better or faster in a recession than the Rule of 56. This self-prescribed formula is the exact method I have successfully used over the tenure of my investing career. 

It’s the number one thing that keeps my phone ringing off the hook and my deal pipeline stacked with one profitable property after another (no matter what's happening in the economy or housing market).

If you follow the Rule of 56 correctly, your profits will steadily rise up and to the right. 

We’re so sure of this this, we actually give our Inner Circle students a $100,000 year income commitment. We know that sticking to the Rule of 56 for 52 straight weeks, should generate over $100,000 in net profit! 

I have yet to see an investor follow this formula to a ‘T’ and not make over $100,000. So, if it’s that fool proof, and we’re willing to make that kind of commitment, wouldn’t you like to implement it too? 

This course takes all the guess-work out of marketing and writing offers so you can cash in on multiple paydays in multiple ways! 

Tool #2: SendFuse Lite

Research and send marketing straight from your cell!
VALUE: $149
BONUS: We're Funding Your Account with 100 FuseCoins so you can start finding great deals TODAY! 


  • Unlimited Access of 3 Tools: Not tied to a trial period
  • ​Research (1 FuseCoin): Name and address of potential seller immediately populated, along with all property and financial information available to do the analytics. 
  • Watchlist (Free): When you find a property and aren't necessarily ready to Send Mail, Cold Call, Send Offer or perform other SendFuse functions, using this command with the address will save it to your dashboard for follow up.
  • Postcards (4 FuseCoins Per Card): ​Quickly initiate set-it-and-forget it sequences on the fly! Time-tested, proven postcards go out immediately and then on a pre-defined schedule. Cancel Anytime!
  • Bonus: 100 FuseCoins: We'll start you off by funding your Sendfuse Lite account with FuseCoins so you can start driving for dollars today!

Tool #3: Best-Selling Millionaire Shoes

Walk a Millionaire Mile in 6 Easy Steps
VALUE: $14.97
"An excellent book that stresses the importance of your thoughts and consequent disciplined actions that will make you a successful person and millionaire." - Jennifer W. Fagbemi

Millionaire Shoes is more than just another book on how to get wealthy. It is an eye-opener to the inner workings of your mind and how each thought influences your daily actions.  

Each day can get you closer to, or further away from, a million dollars and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you can change the direction of your life. 

In this book, you will find out why you continue to run into the same financial roadblocks, as well as the shortcuts to get around them.

Ultimately, you’ll discover that running the Millionaire Mile is easy as long as you have the Millionaire Shoes and an excellent road map. 

Tool #4: Other People's Money (Use Mine)

Why Tie Up Your Own Cash if You Don't Have To?
We’ll show you how to make money using our money so your return on investment and financial freedom is limitless! 
In order to get the highest ROI from your real estate investments, you should always leverage OPM (other people’s money). 

Why tie up your own cash if you don’t have to, right? Smart investors invest in cash flowing assets using ‘good debt’ (from both banks and investors) to grow their worth. 

I personally leverage OPM (good debt) in all of my real estate transactions, either through private money loans for the purchase and rehab, or in some cases my credit cards toward the rehab and other costs. I only do this toward investments I KNOW are going to have a positive return on investment. 

Using the tools in this package, you can find the best deals with the most equity, and you can access our cash to fund, rehab, and flip them for a profit. We'll even take care of $500 worth of closing costs!
See How People Are Using This...
See What Others Have Said About The Rule of 56...
“I recently completed my first successful real estate wholesale deal here in Orange County. I did this by following the instructions and processes laid out in Lee’s program. By using the “Rule of 56, I was able to locate a motivated, out-of-state property owner and negotiate a contract to purchase his property for $35,000 cash. My exit strategy for this property was to wholesale it to another investor, and Lee showed me the steps on how to market the property and find investor buyers."
Using our Rule of 56 system, Dave purchased a house, did nothing to it, wholesaled it 60 days later to an all-cash buyer and netted over $30,000 in cash.
"Early on, one of the best and simplest pieces of advice we got from the Lee Arnold System was to use the Rule of 56. Yet, I remember looking at the poster for the first time and thinking, "That doesn't look like much." We were expecting some high-tech software that would instantly show all the great deals to pick from. We wanted a magic bullet and that didn't look like it. However, we decided to follow the formula the exact way we were taught. 

With Lee's help, we negotiated a ten house deal from a motivated out-of-state landlord. We bought these ten houses with almost no out-of-pocket money and below $.50 on the dollar! This only happened because we had the tools, training, and guidance to make the deal happen. Very few investors can jumpstart their business in such a short time and we would not have been able to do it without using the Rule of 56 consistently."
See What Others Have Said About Using Our Cash to Fund Their Deals

"it was great working with Cogo again. This is my 6th loan and I am glad to have Cogo helping me grow my business." 
Pine Builders, LLC

"Cogo Capital goes beyond the extra mile to make getting funding for your project a reality. They are the best loan originator and processor I have worked with."
Global Capital Investment LLC.

"You have made this part of my job less stressful and more importantly, much more efficient because of your reliability."
Russ Griffiths

See What Others Have Said About SendFuse...
Shhh...Don't tell my competitors! I am surprised at how I have been able to change the way I do business.

Best Source for the Money! I have used this for over a year and find it to be a valuable tool for market research. 

Now I can still go knocking but with a well thought out strategy going to specific homes. I am excited about exploring the rest of the options made available...$$$$$$ on its way! — SONDRA
Altogether this course, along with the amazing bonuses, is valued at $4,161.97...

But you’re not going to pay that today!!!

Nope, I’m offering this amazing course with it’s landmark information on how to keep your deal pipeline full at any given time (like I do), along with ALL the bonuses for ONLY $95.00!!

This course takes all the guesswork out of marketing and writing offers so you can cash in on multiple paydays in multiple ways!

I look forward to working with you and seeing you master not just surviving, but thriving during the next recession! 
Lee Arnold, CEO Fireside

P.S. This is only a short-time offer and the THIS LOW, LOW INTRODUCTORY PRICE WILL INCREASE. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity!
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